Fencing Solutions
in Greensburg, PA
Options Include Ornamental Aluminum & Chain Link
Custom Fencing LLC sells and installs the perfect fence for your yard or business in Greensburg, PA, and the surrounding region at very affordable rates. We know that our fencing solutions are only good if they create security and safety, so we take great care in installing your fence right the first time. That is why we take great care in installing ornamental aluminum, chain link, vinyl, wood, and pool fencing.
If you want our great workmanship and customer service, give us a call in southwestern Pennsylvania at (724) 238-6728.

Fencing Options Offered by Custom Fencing LLC:
Our Popular Chain Link Fences are Durable & Strong
Chain link fencing is one of Custom Fencing LLC’s most popular products because of its long life and strength. We sell and install a vast array of chain link fences depending on what the fence is enclosing. We install residential chain link fences for homes, stronger commercial fences for businesses, and vinyl-coated wire mesh fences or industrial strength chain link fences for wooded or high-foliage areas.
Inviting Vinyl Fences Have Quaint Style
Vinyl fences are another fencing solution offered by Custom Fencing LLC, and the style is one of our most popular because of its inviting, all-American appearance. The vinyl fence is made with quality material, has a long lifetime and holds up well in bad Pennsylvania weather. We have many different kinds of vinyl fences to choose from, so you are sure to find the best fence for your residential property.
Ornamental Aluminum Fencing is A Unique Option
Do you want something different as a fencing solution? Then ornamental aluminum fencing from Custom Fencing LLC could be your best option if you live in Greensburg, Pittsburgh, Uniontown, or Somerset. Ornamental aluminum fencing has a unique appearance that makes your yard, home, or business stand out. Above all, though, they provide the security that you have been looking for.
Wood Fences Have Many Purposes
Whether you just want to have more security or privacy for your home or business, or you are looking to enclose cows or horses with split-rail fencing, wood fences can have multiple purposes. Custom Fencing LLC sells and installs many different kinds of wood designs. A wood fence is a great choice to enhance your outdoor living space, and we can customize the fence to meet your needs.
Pool Fencing Keeps Unwanted Guests Out
If you have a pool in your backyard, there is always a chance somebody can sneak onto your property and take a dip in the pool. In some cases, that can lead to injuries and even worse. Many residents in Southwestern Pennsylvania have called on Custom Fencing LLC to ease potential problems and install durable pool fencing. Contact us when you are ready to enclose your pool.